"Oil prices are up because of rising demand from China and other emerging economies, and more recently because of war scares in the Middle East; these forces easily outweigh any downward pressure on prices from rising U.S. production. And the same thing would happen if Republicans got their way and oil companies were set free to drill freely in the Gulf of Mexico and punch holes in the tundra: the effect on prices at the pump would be negligible." - Paul Krugman, New York Times
My concern in this country is the lack of variety of news information and sources to the general public.
Long before the Soviet Union broke up, a group of Russian writers touring the United States were astonished to find, after reading the newspapers and watching television, that almost all the opinions on all the vital issues were the same. "In our country," said one of them, "to get that result we have a dictatorship. We imprison people. We tear out their fingernails. Here you have none of that. How do you do it? What's the secret?"
The secret is a form of censorship more insidious than a totalitarian state could ever hope to achieve.
The next up and coming generation of people is only going to know one kind of politics: divide and conquer. This mind set has seeped into so many other facets of our lives. This is the true trickle down effect. It it the right against the left. It is win/lose and doormat the average american. This makes for a very depressing society to live in. The rich hate the poor and vise versa.The welfare recipient (for whatever reason) is now considered the bottom feeder of society. People with a large amount of money are revered, envied and considered the only ones with morals. The poor are to be shunned at whatever cost to this country. While destruction of the middle class is top priority What about the middle class person who is no longer middle class and is expected to be happy and relieved they have two jobs to keep afloat instead of being paid what they are worth in one?
The slow brain washing in this country is insidious. The corporate agenda was at least hidden in past years...the destruction, greed and powerful influence they had in our government was not as blatant as today. There is no longer a reason for a corporation to hide their behavior or motives. Out right lying has become sport in today's media and anyone who can do it better and more often gets to define the truth as we know it. Today the teachers, firefighters and police are bankrupting the country. The school system is failing us, the poor are bankrupting us, the person with a pre existing condition
My concern in this country is the lack of variety of news information and sources to the general public.
Long before the Soviet Union broke up, a group of Russian writers touring the United States were astonished to find, after reading the newspapers and watching television, that almost all the opinions on all the vital issues were the same. "In our country," said one of them, "to get that result we have a dictatorship. We imprison people. We tear out their fingernails. Here you have none of that. How do you do it? What's the secret?"
The secret is a form of censorship more insidious than a totalitarian state could ever hope to achieve.
The next up and coming generation of people is only going to know one kind of politics: divide and conquer. This mind set has seeped into so many other facets of our lives. This is the true trickle down effect. It it the right against the left. It is win/lose and doormat the average american. This makes for a very depressing society to live in. The rich hate the poor and vise versa.The welfare recipient (for whatever reason) is now considered the bottom feeder of society. People with a large amount of money are revered, envied and considered the only ones with morals. The poor are to be shunned at whatever cost to this country. While destruction of the middle class is top priority What about the middle class person who is no longer middle class and is expected to be happy and relieved they have two jobs to keep afloat instead of being paid what they are worth in one?
The slow brain washing in this country is insidious. The corporate agenda was at least hidden in past years...the destruction, greed and powerful influence they had in our government was not as blatant as today. There is no longer a reason for a corporation to hide their behavior or motives. Out right lying has become sport in today's media and anyone who can do it better and more often gets to define the truth as we know it. Today the teachers, firefighters and police are bankrupting the country. The school system is failing us, the poor are bankrupting us, the person with a pre existing condition