Saturday, June 11, 2011

Harmful Secrets of Genetically Modified Food

We the People of the United States, Are Guinea Pigs

This is an updated post from my last article I wrote on Genetically Modified Food...much more information, resources and video. 
You are eating Genetically Modified Food...I can guarantee it. It is everywhere and They don't want you to know it. What is it and who are They? Here is some information on what Genetically Modified Food (GMO) is and the harm it has caused us and the world we live in...all for power and greed.
I believe I need to share what I learned in my globalization and food class. I was so angry and shocked, and what I found out was so profoundly horrific and eye opening, that it was difficult to swallow (excuse the pun). I didn't know what to eat anymore and felt very overwhelmed that I was never going to be able to feed my child anything she liked again, without guilt. I was also fascinated and wanted to be informed, so I continued my research. I have an eight year old daughter that I thought I was feeding healthy, nutritional food to. How wrong I was. Here is what I learned...
“Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are the result of laboratory processes which artificially insert foreign genes into the DNA of food crops or animals. Those genes may come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans. Although banned by food manufacturers in Europe and elsewhere, the FDA does not require any safety evaluations. Most Americans say they would not eat GMOs if labeled, but the U.S. does not require labeling. GMOs are not safe, but have been in the food supply since 1996 and are now present in the vast majority of processed foods in the US.” – Responsible Technology
Did you know that the majority of the produce we consume, if not organic, is genetically modified? If you eat processed food, you are eating GM food. What does this mean: it means that big corporations, such as Monsanto for example, are patenting their new breed of, oh lets say, potato. And these potatoes have their cells shot full of an anthrax type bacteria that transforms them into pesticide potatoes. These potatoes now produce their own pesticide that allows them to withstand any insect that would want to eat it. Once eaten by an insect, the insect dies. We, too, are consuming these very pesticide potatoes.
How does this change in a food cell happen? These changes happen with a gene gun that shoots the gene into the cell or through a bacterial infection process. Plant cells are then re-grown with the new genes through tissue transfer. This process is like shooting a bullet into a human. They don't know what kind of damage is done or effect it has on the gene. Each cell is unique after invasion of the gene or bacteria, just as each human is different in their tolerance to it. The harm, risks and long term damage of this type of gene insertion is unknown. The risks to people, insects and animals are unknown, but true testing isn't showing positive results in lab animals. This is the information big corporations don't want you to know.
Genetically modified corn, soy and cotton are majorly over 80% of our produce in the US. These plants make up almost 90% of processed foods. These are bred and patented to withstand the Monsanto brand of pesticide, Roundup; one of the most toxic pesticide/herbicides on the market. So now we have a whole new species of plant, heavily sprayed with toxic chemicals because they can withstand them. With all this toxic spraying in the fields, weeds are now becoming immune (super weeds) and spreading without the ability to kill them, rendering areas of land unusable. This alone would defeat the purpose of creating this great new species. But there is more...This chemical way of farming also uses more water than needed with normal farming, creates toxic run off into our rivers and lakes and is highly toxic to the workers using them.
"There is no logical scientific justification for exposing society to this risk, nor is it necessary to take this risk for the purpose of feeding humanity. It is only of benefit to the biotech industry, which will obtain short term commercial gains at the expense of the health and safety of the whole population. Tampering with the genetic code of food is reckless and poses a serious threat to life. It could easily upset the delicate balance between our physiology and the foods that we eat. There is already ample scientific justification for an immediate ban on genetically modified foods in order to safeguard our health." -John B. Fagan, Ph.D. (
Intentionally out dated techniques and incomplete testing done by the biotech scientists says GMOs are safe, allowing genetically modified crops to be released on to the market. Studies done by scientists outside of the biotech industry have found staggeringly different results. Rats fed genetically modified potatoes had smaller testicles, brains and livers as compared to control rats fed the un-genetically altered parent line of the same potatoes. In lab tests with rats, it has been reported that the rats wouldn't even eat the GM food and when force fed, 7 out of 40 died and others had stomach ulcers. That means the death rate is 17%. Apparently this percentage is acceptable because this food was approved for human consumption. Another study, this time by a Russian scientist, Irina Ermakova, was done on rats who were born to mothers fed Monsanto Round Up Ready soy. After 2 weeks, 36% of the babies weighed less than 20 grams compared to about 6% from the non GM soy groups. Within three weeks of birth, 25 of the 45 (55.6%) rats from the GM soy group died compared to only 3 of 33 (9%) from the non-GM soy group and 3 of 44 (6.8%) from the non-soy controls. Does anyone else think these are staggering numbers?
In European countries, GM food is not allowed for the most part and when it is, the food has to be labeled GMO. They fought long and hard to get this to happen, which makes the European population more informed than we are...and we house the founders of Genetically Modified Organisms. In our country, labeling laws don't even exist. Monsanto has employees that work for the government and there are government workers that work for Monsanto. This is a revolving door for many employees going to and from both. So control is in the hands of the corporations making the decisions on the laws and huge profit in their pockets, while destroying our environment and our health. Clarence Thomas was Monsanto's lawyer before becoming a supreme court judge. Linda J. Fisher, former Assistant Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Pollution Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, also became Vice President of Government and Public Affairs for Monsanto Corporation. She now works for another huge conglomerate, DuPont.
"Giant transnational companies are carrying out a dangerous global experiment by attempting to introduce large numbers of genetically engineered foods widely into our food supply. Because genetic manipulations can generate unanticipated harmful side-effects, and because genetically engineered foods are not tested sufficiently to eliminate those that are dangerous, this experiment, not only jeopardizes the health of individuals, but could also lead to national or even global food shortages and large-scale health threats."- John B. Fagan, Ph.D. (
According to a consultant firm hired by Monsanto…”Monsanto executives described a world with 100 percent ownership of all commercial seeds genetically modified and patented.”
Between the years 1996 and 2005 Monsanto bought out over 57 seed companies around the World to the tune of billions. One of their wonderful tactics is to give farmers who use their product a phone hotline to call if any neighbors are seen reusing their Monsanto patented seed so they can snitch on them. Since Monsanto owns the patent, they own the seed and now make the farmers buy it yearly instead of being able to re-seed. They also send their people out to test surrounding farms for GM plants without telling the farmers why they are testing. If they discover GM crops, they have the right to sue the small farmer...even if the farmer didn't know they had the seed due to cross pollination or wind contamination. Monsanto has sued over 90 small farmers, who unknowingly acquired Monsanto patented seed. It is a big bully, big brother, big corporate run scheme to own all our food and destroy the voice of the farmers representing the people. Most farmers give in and pay penalties or switch to GMO...What small farmer can win in court against a multi billion dollar conglomerate out for blood?
Monsanto has a long history of destruction to our planet... In 1901, Monsanto started making Aspartame. They continued their pesticide research and are responsible for PCBs, DDTs, sulfuric acid and Agent Orange. Monsanto owned their own Nuclear bomb facility and was heavily involved with the Manhattan Project. In the 60's, they partnered with a German company that was responsible for contributing the chemicals for the gas chambers in WWII.
In 1998, the World Bank's structural adjustment policies forced India to open up its seed sector to global corporations like Monsanto. Monsanto changed the cotton economy of India overnight. Enter Monsanto and their GM seed to sell to farmers. Farmers who planted GM crops in place of their organic fields, now had to use the chemicals that came with it. Also, Monsanto, since the seed is patented, makes all farmers around the world buy the seed every year and in some cases the seed is specifically made to be worthless for a second planting. This has caused 200,000 suicides of Indian farmers, over the last decade, by drinking the pesticides because they no longer can afford to farm or care for their families. (
"When a peasant plants a seed, he says a simple prayer, 'Let the seed be exhaustless, let it never get exhausted, let it bring forth seed next year.' Farmers have such pride in saying, 'This is the tenth generation seeds that I am planting' or 'this is the fifth generation that I am planting.' But Monsanto has changed this prayer with one of its own, 'Let the seed be terminated so that I can make profits every year.' Monsanto's terminator technology's aim is to prevent seed from germinating." -Ralph E. Stone,
This does not help the hunger problem in the world. We have an abundance of food that is wasted. People can not afford to buy it. Stopping poverty will help people to afford to eat.
Sometimes ignorance is bliss. It is overwhelming to try to change your whole way of eating because of the treatment of animals, the earth and the people. So I say, one step at a time. Go organic when you can, spread the word to your friends and family and become more educated. Do this now for your health and future generations to come. Messing with nature will always have collateral damage.
The more genetically modified crops are used, the more pure crops will become endangered and eventually extinct. You cannot clean up GMOs in the environment once they are out, like you can clean up an oil spill. Something else in common, these two disasters have, besides destruction of our environment and life on this the greed of corporations, at the expense of everything good.

How to Eliminate Toxins by Eliminating Genetically Modified Foods: (Provided by Dr. Group, Global Healing Center-
  • Whenever possible, eat all natural foods. Shop at your local farmers market for fresh foods which supports your local economy.
  • Use only organically grown fruit and vegetables. Organic crops are grown using no genetic modification or toxic pesticides and herbicides.
  • Your zucchini and yellow squash may be genetically modified too. Use only locally grown or organic produce.
  • Be careful to eat only organic varieties of popcorn and corn. They are very often genetically modified.
  • Grow your own fruit and vegetables if you can. Be sure your location is not in close proximity to plants, industry or bioengineered farms.
  • When you're shopping for meat and dairy products, be sure to look for the hormone and antibiotic-free, organic, range fed information on the label.
  • Avoid canola oil and cottonseed oil. Use instead, organic sources of grape seed oil, virgin coconut oil, hempseed oil and olive oil which are available at organic and whole foods markets.
  • Check your condiments for organic labels. You can find organic fermented sources for soy like natto (fermented soybeans), tempeh, miso, tamari, and tofu.
  • Aspartame is genetically modified and is very toxic, it's best to avoid all products that contain this substance.
  • Take action. Write your council members and grocery executives. Let them know that you want fresh foods in your stores. Ask them to stock organic and no GMO foods.
  • Visit for the extensive list of foods and brand names that contain GMOs.
The Non GMO shopping guide: -
Google key words:
Genetically Modified Organism
Super Weeds

India suicides

Ireland Scientists, GMO

Genetic Roulette- Jeffrey M. Smith
Seeds of Deception- Jeffrey M. Smith
The World According to Monsanto-

1 comment:

Mrs.Donna J Shrock said...

I have a couple of statements to share.First I am a mother and a wife in our home live 3 people and we receive 426 dollars a month in food stamps.Around 5/7 months ago we started eating only organic food and we buy our meet from local butcher who has local meet that's free range and no hormones or antibiotics!! ECT....

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